Keep Safe During Hurricane Sandy

With the arrival of Hurricane Sandy, labeled one of the worst storms in history, Chevy Chase residents are urged to play it safe in the next few days. Remember, common sense is your best bet during dangerous weather. With the storm expected to be at its worst Monday evening, here are a few storm preparation tips to keep you and your family safe.

What to Avoid and Where to Go During the Storm

• With hurricane-forced winds expected to hit Monday night, there is an increased danger of flying debris. If you haven’t boarded your windows or closed your shutters, stay out of rooms that have glass doors or lots of windows. Find a windowless interior room or basement that you can spend the night.

• Do NOT try to travel during the storm. Road conditions will be extremely hazardous, and emergency crews will be stretched thin. Don’t put yourself in a bad situation – if you have not been asked to evacuate, then stay put in your home.

• If you live in a low-lying area, the heavy rains may put your home at risk of flooding. In the event you will have to move to a higher level in your home, make sure your stairways are free of clutter, and you have a room (preferably without windows) prepared for you to ride out the storm.

Emergency Check-list

There is a very high likelihood that many Maryland residents will face widespread power outages in the upcoming days. Find a safe-room in your house and be sure it is clear of clutter so you, your family and storm-survival kit can all fit inside. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll want to make sure you have most of these items in a safe place that is easily accessible.

• Flashlight

• Extra batteries

• Can-opener

• Sleeping Bags

• Canned food/bagged food (non-perishable)

• Water bottles

• Gallon jugs

• Ice

• First-Aid Kit

• Portable Radio (with batteries)

• Pet food

 Other Storm-Safety Tips to Keep in Mind

• Make sure all pets have been brought inside. If you have a dog-door that leads directly into your home, be sure it is boarded up to prevent rain from coming in.

• Make sure your vehicles are parked inside your garage, or under a carport.